
Dancer To Dancer: Audition Advice

Sometimes the audition process can be daunting. We’ve all felt the butterflies in our stomach, or the pre-audition jitters. Believe us when we say we’ve been there! DWC staff, ambassadors and friends offer their prep routines and advice on getting ready.


Approach each audition with curiosity. Sometimes we put opportunities on a pedestal without knowing all that a process entails. Just try to be excited for the audition itself the same way you would be excited for a performance you were dancing in or going to see. The pressure is on for everyone, including the person running the audition, and you will see some of the most exhilarating performances of your career in an ordinary studio.



I really emphasize preparing well ahead and prioritizing. There’s so much emotional and physical energy involved so be reasonable and realistic with your choices and the extent of what’s involved in auditions. It’s better to have a few good auditions for what you’re really vested in and show up at your best or have well practiced exercises or numbers, rather than spread yourself too thin. It goes without saying to come dressed and feeling your best with everything in your dance bag you could possibly need in shoes, etc etc.! Even invest in a new Leo for instance that makes you feel fresh and really good in it.  Stand in front whenever possible and show consistent affirmation and acknowledgment of what the audition director or judges are sharing with good non verbal cues and enthusiasm. Perform with conviction and maximum effort irregardless of whether you like a particular combination or not— Don’t just save it for your “good side!” You may never get that chance! Finally, be extremely diligent and thorough in everything required for paperwork, headshots or online submissions to assure everything is correct and you’re not missing anything, including any important deadlines!

photo by: @janaearlyphotography


I start my prep as soon as I wake up. I do my makeup and hair as perfectly as I can- I want to present my best self. What you wear matters too! Usually auditions call for a black leotard, and I always wear one that I feel the most confident in.

After I finish getting ready I eat a pretty substantial meal. You need to fuel your body for what you're going to be asking it to do. On the drive over I listen to either some soothing classical music or some pump up jams to get me going! Once I get there and finish checking in, I find a place that's quiet and secluded to do some stretching and warm ups. If the place lets you into the studio before the audition starts, I like to go in and find a good place at the barre- I usually go as far as I can to the front without actually being in the front. Some auditions place you by number so you may not have a choice. Once I'm in there, I do some breathing and meditation exercises to ground myself. I also find that talking to the other dancers helps too! Remember, everyone is probably just as nervous as you are, we're all just trying to hide it.

photo by Catlyn Griswell


I do my best to stay well-nourished, rested, and calm in the week leading up to the audition. Morning of, I try to eat as big a breakfast as I can without becoming uncomfortable. I make sure to extra warmed-up, some auditions will not provide a warm-up, but most will provide open space for a little bit beforehand. When I warm-up I want to get all of my muscles activated, I want to have gotten my heart rate up, and to get a quick stretch in. Lastly, as I warm-up I listen to some of my favorite music to get amped up and try to get into the flow state. I always feel a little anxious and nervous before an audition but I can mitigate that by taking these steps.


Going into an audition used to scare me more than anything. I think when I was younger especially I was constantly comparing myself to everyone else in the room, and I often saw myself as unworthy to be there. I let the nerves get to my head, so fast combinations would confuse me and difficult technique left me very flustered.

During my senior year of high school I was able to identify why I wanted to dance after taking some time off. I want to dance because I love being in a room full of dancers and feeling their energy. I love to dance because I enjoy the challenge. I love finding new movement pathways. So when I go into an audition, I just focus on the present. I don’t like to think about whether or not I’ll be cast or get into a certain program. I put a lot of energy into experiencing the moment, interacting with the other dancers, and getting lost in the movement. When I’m able to get myself in the right mindset, that is when I do my best work.

For some more ideas and products to help get ready see our “Competition & Convention Prep Piece!”

As you all enter into auditions, remember to take deep breaths, put your best foot forward, and dance with all your heart. You got this.